Apocalypse scheduled for Rockhampton, November 2019

Rockhampton by night, by Kriscmay on Wikimedia Commons, used under CC licence 3.0 ASA.
A brand new play by and about Rockhampton, covered in the fingerprints of the local community, is coming to the stage later this year.
Rockpocalypse, by playwright and drama teacher Jessica Lamb, is entering production shortly and will be on stage on November 22-24 2019.
Arts Central Queensland, the nonprofit arts body currently producing the Living History Project series of short plays at Rockhampton Heritage Village, has announced auditions for five cast members for Rockpocalypse will take place on Saturday, August 10.
Like the Living History Project, they’re offering full industry rates to the creatives involved.
Capricorn Coast drama teacher and theatre polymath Jess Lamb is introducing an apocalyptic new method of devising theatre at a conference in Brisbane early next year.
Rockpocalypse started life as a role-play game developed by Jessica as part of her Masters studies in theatre.
Over several sessions, Rockhampton residents of all ages and walks of life played the game, working from only the loosest of guidelines: to find out what mysterious doom had befallen the city, work out whether to stay or flee, and if staying how to rebuild and what the future city might look like.
The games uncovered all kinds of creative ideas, from toxic waste to dog-based conspiracies, as well as common themes around the city’s perceived flaws and potential fixes.
Those themes and narrative gems were captured and woven into the play itself, in which a baffled team of ‘players’ are challenged by a mysterious voice from the distant future to find out what happened to leave Rockhampton a deserted wasteland - and fix it.
After four months of coronavirus-induced silence, music and laughs are coming back to the Pilbeam Theatre with a series of reduced-capacity Sunday Session variety shows featuring local comedy, theatre and music.
Projects in Rockhampton and Mackay are among 46 across the nation sharing $669,000 from the latest Regional Arts Fund Community Grants round.
Technology is helping theatre students hunkered down hundreds of kilometres apart create an inspiring online theatre experience.
Gladstone region artists are developing new media skills and interactive digital projects as part of the latest round of the Regional Arts Development Fund, as well as honing skills in songwriting, cinematography, and clowning.
Rhonda Janes has been singing as long as she can remember, and from early gigs in her brother’s band she’s built a career in music and theatre.
The Red Foot Cabaret are a team of travelling troubadors: the delightful if demanding Diva, brothers Martini and Espresso, femme fatale Amber, and in the driver’s seat: MC.
Rockpocalypse, a brand new full-length work by playwright and drama teacher Jessica Lamb, is entering production shortly and will be on stage on November 22-24 2019.
Multi-talented performer Ghenoa Gela is bringing her one-woman show My Urrwai home to Rockhampton next month.
The future of footwear is kinky - at least that is what Charlie Price discovers in the musical hit Kinky Boots coming to the Pilbeam theatre next month.
It’s been 20 years since the SS American docked in Gladstone, but the ship at the centre of the Broadway classic is back for the Harbour City’s 2019 community musical Anything Goes.
Capricorn Coast drama teacher and theatre polymath Jess Lamb is introducing an apocalyptic new method of devising theatre at a conference in Brisbane early next year.
Performing has always been Rhona Bechaz’ passion, and now she’s developing the next generation’s talents with a five-day intensive workshop culminating in a local production of Cinderella.
“If I can stop kids from drowning because they remember the words of a gigantic seagull, I’m good with that” - a cast of Aussie critters are taking to the stage to spread the water safety message in Billabong Dreaming.
Arts for young and old have been awarded some coin in the Rockhampton Regional Council's latest round of RADF grants.
Broadway and Beyond was more than a tribute to Broadway musicals: it was held in the honour of a very special member of Rockhampton’s theatre community.
The Central Highlands and Isaac councils have announced the latest Regional Arts Development Fund recipients, with a Heinz Variety of projects getting support including choral singing, quilting, children's literature, and the Country Women's Association.
New books, more art bull drama, art student’s talent recognised, and lots of news from the Capricorn Film Festival.
Byron Bay-based electronic music duo Patty Preece and Melania Jack are bringing laundry-inspired beats to an actual laundromat in North Rocky next month, with their live show The Ironing Maidens.
Every shadow seems to crowd around us, unseen eyes following our every move and then we are led to our first puzzle of the evening. The riddle which awaits us is just the start of the twisted game which would unfold around us, drawing us into the story of murdered innocents and vengeful spirits...
A crew from the CQUniversity Conservatorium of Music are on their way to Kuala Lumpur to be part of a 21st century take on Gilbert and Sullivan.
A fresh new year means new goals and plans for the 12 months ahead. Maybe for you it means stepping up from singing in the shower and getting your aspiring performer self on stage.
A uniquely horrifying experience awaits Central Queenslanders brave enough to face the terrors of interactive horror experience Rising Waters.
Old-school radio plays with a 21st century twist are coming to Rocky's Walter Reid Cultural Centre early next year
Hunted Interactive Experience is back in CQ with a new interactive show where you can unravel the horrible fate of the souls lost in a 16th century shipwreck - and maybe even make it out alive.