Rocky RADF funding for young and old
Arts for young and old have been awarded some coin in the Rockhampton Regional Council's latest round of RADF grants.
The Regional Arts Development Fund is an ongoing partnership between the Queensland Government and local councils to fund community arts projects, and professional development for artists.
Here's what was funded in the most recent round:
Arts Central Queensland
Heritage and Arts Business Training Project
$4098 towards mounting five workshops in various aspects of arts business and oral history.
Michelle Gately
- Professional Development
$1044 towards attending the Word for Word Non-Fiction Writing Festival in Geelong.
Roseberry Queensland Arts Day
$5666 towards spray painting artists to deliver a workshop, as well as arts and craft materials, cotton bags, tie dye and leather works.
Capricornia National Seniors
Australia - Self Reflections in your Twilight Years
$1650 towards community based arts workshops for over 50s during Seniors Week.
- Billabong Dreaming
$8978.52 towards a one-hour performance educating children on aquatic safety including survival and rescue skills. To be performed at the Pilbeam Theatre and livestreamed to schools across Queensland.
Capricornia Potters Group
- Selma Fida Porcelain Jewellery Workshop
$1545 towards bringing a professional ceramic artist to Rockhampton from Sydney to conduct a three day workshop, to increase the skills of Capricornia Potters Club Members in porcelain jewellery techniques.