Belinda's Journey: To Be Continued
This week Rockhampton poet Belinda Hemmens is sharing her very personal mental health journey with us. Belinda is passionate about breaking down the stigma surrounding mental illness, which inspired this whole series of poems and this one, part three, in particular.
To Be Continued
part three
So one and two have gone in a blink,
And now here's one to make you think.
It’s a future tale of humanity and hope,
A little poem to make you float.
It’s the story that remains untold,
A future in which we behold.
To raise awareness and see stigma cleared,
And mental illness no longer feared.
So walk beside me, hold my hand,
Every colour, every woman, every man.
Every illness, every disease, without hate,
Where we have the knowledge of every state.
Whether it be a state where we are less stable than another,
Or looking after your sick mother.
No one believes I am weird or insane,
Where we are, one and all, the same.
We had a voice, we battled a stigma war,
We made a difference, we settled the score.
Just imagine, as you still hold my hand my friend,
As this is definitely the beginning, never the end.
We can hold our heads up high, walk with pride,
Mental illness we will never hide.
Finally a song we all can sing to,
This is my forever, to be continued.
- Belinda Hemmens
Part four in this series will be posted on Thursday morning.
If this poem has stirred up bad feelings or traumatic memories for you, please take care of yourself. If you need to talk, please reach out - to a trusted friend or family member, or one of the organisations below:
- Lifeline telephone and online crisis counselling: 13 11 14
- BeyondBlue mental health support and advice: 1300 22 46 36
- DV Connect, for anyone who's experienced domestic and family violence: 1800 811 811
- The Blue Knot Foundation, for adult survivors of childhood trauma and sexual abuse: 1300 657 380
- ChildWise National Child Abuse Helpline: 1800 99 10 99
- 1800RESPECT, for anyone who's experienced sexual assault or domestic and family violence, 1800 737 732
- Suicide Callback Service: Call 1300 659 467
- Rockhampton Women's Health Centre: (07) 4922 6585